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“Jed Vaughn is not afraid of sharing his secrets of success and to me, that’s a tell tell sign of a good man!” –Lori Allen

To find out more about how you can get started with travel writing visit:

Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen, introduce Jed Vaughn.

“Jed Vaughn is one of my favorite travel writers,” says Lori. “He is so good at paying it forward—constantly helping others follow in his successful footsteps.”

After attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Diego in 2014, Jed set out to become a travel writer with a focus on getting published in print magazines. Today he’s diversified into online as well.

Jed talks about writing locally and how you can find great stories right in your own backyard. He also emphasizes the importance of research before traveling to a new destination and why you should try to find unique angles for your stories.

“Research is the bottom line. As you research, something might spark your interest based on your personal passion or interests.”

Jed also offers his advice for pitching story ideas and securing assignments before you take your trip. And the advantages of having those assignments in hand before you travel.

As for how Jed got started…

“I started with a home study course but never really put anything together. After attending the  Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Diego, I began to think I might be able to do this thing.”

Jed values the connections he made at that workshop and highlights how a support system can really help propel your writing career.

To find out more about how you can get started with travel writing visit:

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