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“Humans are meant to build things. When we stop building, we lose who we are; we lose our sense of purpose.” – Lori Allen

For more information on how you can get started on the road to a new kind of work visit:

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry is joined by our Director, Lori Allen, to talk about work.

We often hear people say they don’t want to work anymore. They hate their jobs, they’re done.

Often people spend their time counting the days until they no longer have to work.

But Lori has the opportunity to spend time with people who are finished with their careers—either through retirement or by making the decision to change direction.

She shares her thoughts with us…

“I don’t think it’s that people don’t want to work, it’s that the work they are doing makes them feel stuck. They are working to carry out someone else’s dream, finishing someone else’s mission in life.

Maybe they are stuck in meaningless meetings with people they don’t like. Or maybe they are just working at a job to make ends meet. It’s not that all work is bad, it’s just about finding work that you enjoy.”

Lori believes humans are meant to build things. When we stop building, we lose who we are; we lose our sense of purpose.

Think of work in the sense of building something and then you won’t mind working.

In the 1960s Game of Life by Milton Bradley, players collect life cards… go to college, get married, have children… and in the end, the player with the most money wins.

Lori doesn’t believe the winner is the one with the most money, rather it’s the one with the most experiences.

And the Game of Life has players stop when they retire and wait for other players to catch up.

Lori doesn’t believe that’s the way to live either.

“Stop thinking about retirement as you have no moves left; think of it as you have a lot of moves left.”

Many of the people who attend our events and expeditions are retirees who are making new moves, continuing to work by building something they enjoy through travel writing and photography.

And it’s not just retirees…

People are making the decision to start down the road to a new life, new work long before retirement age.

Lori shares the success stories of some of our past attendees—people who have made the choice to build something they love through travel writing, blogging and photography.

A good place to start is with travel blogging. For more information on how you can get started on the road to a new kind of work, visit: 

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