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“There’s a difference between good photographs and saleable photographs. At Great Escape Publishing, we focus on saleable photographs.” – Lori Allen

For more information on the different markets where you can sell your photos and how much you can expect to make, visit

On this episode, host Jody Mayberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen, talk about the best cameras to buy if you want to get started with photography.

Lori explains what you need to get started…

“At Great Escape Publishing we talk about taking photos that you can sell. We’re not talking about you becoming a full-time photographer where you’ll be watching an amazing landscape for 300 days until you get that one perfect image you’re going to hang on your wall and hopefully win some kind of prize.

It’s about selling simple, everyday images: things like travel photos, photos of your home, family photos, headshots, baby pictures, and food.”

There’s a difference in what you need for taking saleable photos and it depends on what you plan to use the photos for: fine art, magazines, stock photography, etc. They all want something different and what matters is how you process the images you take.

“The biggest mistake people make when they buy a camera is to go to a place like Costco or Best Buy to buy what’s on sale. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Costco or Best Buy, it’s just that the salesperson typically wants to sell you a kit—and you’re better off just buying the camera body and then getting your lens at another place and time,” says Lori.

Just like there’s no car that’s right for everyone, there’s no camera that’s right for every single person.

Some key things to consider in choosing a camera…

***It has to be a camera you will take with you—not too heavy, bulky, or so expensive that you’re worried about it getting damaged or stolen

***It has to have a good enough sensor

***It’s the lens that really makes the difference

“The lens is a better investment than the camera in your photography.”

How can you find the right camera?

Listen in to learn more about the cameras and lenses Lori recommends and her tips for purchasing them for less.

And for more information on the different markets where you can sell your photos and how much you can expect to make in each, visit

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