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This week is the last installment of a three-part series where we hear from the editors’ panel at the Ultimate Travel Writers Workshop in New Orleans.

Director, Lori Allen, introduces us to the reason trends matter in travel writing…

“There are certainly always stories that will sell on places like Paris, Hawaii and now, Costa Rica. But if you pitch one of these, your story might end up on the shelf for a later publication date – which means you’ll be waiting for your paycheck.”

Trending articles help you in several ways…

***get more bylines

***get faster bylines

***get paid faster

These three points are crucial for freelancers.

Lori also points out that travel writing requires two different skills…

***The ability to write the travel article

***The ability to sell that article

“The first story takes the longest to finish. It takes more time for research, writing and it takes more time to get it published,” says Lori.

From there the stories get incrementally easier and faster.

Getting feedback from editors is key for new writers which is why we feature an editors’ panel at every Ultimate Travel Writers’ Workshop.

To get more background on the editors that were on hand at the 2016 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in New Orleans, you can listen into the first part of this series here.

On this episode, they share their thoughts on what travel editors are looking for today…

***more digital content

***social media engagement

***experiential and culinary travel

Listen in to hear more details on current trends.

Lori also gives us a sneak peek into next year’s Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop. To put your name on the hotlist for that, go here.

If you don’t want to wait for the live conference, you can see if you have what it takes to be a travel writer today here:

Listen to a new podcast every Sunday in iTunes by subscribing for free here.

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