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“I meet people and they become chapters in my stories.”—Avijeet Das

Host, Jody Maberry brings travel writer, Noreen Kompanik back to the show.

Noreen has transitioned from a 34-year career in nursing to life as a travel writer. She attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in 2014 when it was in San Diego where she lives.

While she loves writing articles and traveling to so many wonderful destinations, she loves even more the people she meets along the way.

“What has been the biggest blessing of all to me is the people I’ve met along the way,” says Noreen.

Noreen’s always been a people person, but she didn’t realize how much she would enjoy interacting with people as a travel writer.

She shares some of the inspiring stories she’s gleaned through conversations with people she’s met along the way.

Noreen shares her tips for finding these inspiring stories along the way and how to use those in your writing. She also shares an amazing story she uncovered about Dr. Seuss.

Noreen pioneered our Travel Writer’s Café which provides a supportive network for travel writers. For information on how to become a member of the café, send an e-mail to You’ll find more information about all of our programs at

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