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“Follow your own passion—not your parents’, not your teachers’—yours.”—Robert Ballard

Host, Jody Maberry is joined by Bonnie Caton to discuss making art for a living.

Bonnie has always loved art and was one of those kids in school who couldn’t wait for art day. But it took her a while to realize she could use her passion for art to make a living. She was told she should follow a “safe route” and study something “normal.”

When she discovered us and attended a photography workshop, she began to realize she could make a living as an artist—despite what others may say.

Listen in as Bonnie shares her story and offers advice and encouragement to anyone currently in a “safe” career that really wants to change direction and make a living from art or another creative endeavor.

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If anyone out there has benefitted from this podcast or any of our programs, Lori would love to hear from you. She wants to hear what collateral benefits you’ve received. Go to, click on the “Contact Us” box and send a note!

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