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“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.”—John Heywood

Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk with Jed Vaughn live at the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Austin, Texas.

Lori invited Jed back to the workshop to be on the success panel for a second time.

Jed’s travel writing success is unique in that he hasn’t chosen a specific niche to focus on. He’s written about sailing, fishing, coffee, wine and beer. He’s also written about music.

“I think I haven’t narrowed and focused on one niche because I get bored easily. But I’m also passionate about a wide variety of things,” Jed explains.

When Jed discovered our travel writing program, he hadn’t written anything since high school.

He started by taking the travel writing course at home—which provided the formula. But attending the workshop brought networking into the mix and that’s what launched his career.

As Lori explains…

“Our editors and speakers give you the formula and the writers speaking on the success panel show you the formula really works.”

Listen in as Jed shares some of his experiences and why he thinks not having a niche works best for him.

If you’d like to get started with travel writing, like Jed, you can learn more here:

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