Posted by & filed under Podcast, Travel Photography.

“The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” — Henry David Thoreau

Host, Jody Maberry brings humanitarian photographer and filmmaker, Joe Sindorf back to the show along with a mystery guest…Joe’s favorite friend in the entire world…his wife, Kathy Sindorf.

Kathy teaches digital media, video and photography at the university level. She’s also traveled around the world as a television reporter and correspondent.

Jody, Joe and Kathy discuss the pros and cons of traveling as a couple and traveling solo.

“I am continually amazed by the number of people who have the courage to travel solo… even if they are happily married and have plenty of friends,” says Kathy.

One of the advantages of solo travel is meeting people with like-minded interests and travel styles.

When Joe and Kathy were first married, they often traveled separately due to assignments for their respective television programs. They travel together as often as possible now, but sometimes solo travel is still on the calendar.

“Even though I travel by myself a little more than I want to, I always travel with Kathy in mind…I look for things that I want to show her when we could do this together,” says Joe.

Listen in as Jody, Joe and Kathy discuss aspects of solo travel…

…How to travel alone and not feel guilty that your spouse isn’t there

…How to share your travel stories with those who weren’t able to go through your photos

…Some of the advantages of traveling alone

If you’re interested in ways you can get paid to explore the world on your own or with others, you can sign up for Great Escape Publishing’s free newsletter, The Right Way to Travel here:

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