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“Money comes and goes, but time only goes.” –Lee Cockerell

Host, Jody Maberry brings time management guru, Lee Cockerell back to the show.

Recently Lori Allen surveyed several members to ask them what their biggest challengers were. Two common themes emerged: not enough time and feeling overwhelmed.

As the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Resorts, Lee knows a thing or two about getting things done—and he has the same 24 hours in a day that we do.

Over the years Lee taught his time management strategies to his employees at Marriott and at Walt Disney World.

“We all have many responsibilities—maybe more than we realize,” says Lee. “If we don’t take care of our responsibilities by planning for them, it will catch us by surprise and becomes a crisis.”

Juggling too many responsibilities and feeling overwhelmed creates stress and that can result in anxiety and depression.

Listen in as he shares his thoughts on the importance of planning and the importance of having a system in place.

Lee’s time management tips are outlined in his book,  Time Management Magic: How to Get More Done Every Day and Move From Surviving to Thriving. You can find the book along with Lee’s videos, podcasts and the Morning Magic Planner at

Lee says, “it’s time to get started.”

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