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“I had nothing to lose, so I answered the call and landed a fulltime writing gig!”—Jessica Pickett

Host Jody Mayberry and Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Jessica Pickett.

When Jessica came to our Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in 2014, she didn’t see herself having much in common with other attendees because she was working full-time and would be traveling and writing in her limited spare time.

But now, Jessica has already had more than 100 stories published—an ambitious undertaking for someone who works full-time.

She says, “I was 29 when I first attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, married to a farmer and working in a fulltime career. Many of the people I met at the workshop were retired or getting ready to retire and I thought there was no way I would be able to do this.”

Using the skills she learned at the workshop, she sent a query to a regional publication that was looking for writers.

“I had nothing to lose, so I answered the call and landed a full-time writing gig!”

Although Jessica can’t travel long distances often, she started with weekend trips and has managed to land another position as a writer for her local tourism office.

Listen in for more information on how Jessica has managed to balance her full-time career and home life while following her dream of travel writing.

If you’re interested in building a career as a travel writer, you can learn more about getting started here:

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