Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

It’s the 2nd month of our Summer Sprints Stock Photo Challenge – which means it’s time to re-focus and get ready to take 100 new photos for this month’s theme: Connectivity.

For this theme, think:

  • Connecting with friends and family members
  • Staying digitally connected in the outdoors
  • Using laptops, phones, and tablets in cafes, at home, and on the go
  • Anything else you can think of that builds on the above ideas!

stock photo showing a couple using a cell phone to stay connected in a coffee shop

If you haven’t been able to find time to take photos for the Summer Sprints themes, try this:

1. Open up your calendar and pick a day where you can spend an hour or more on your photography.

2. MARK that time as busy and schedule it in!

3. The night before that day, make sure your camera battery is charged, you’ve got an empty memory card, and you have some ideas of what you’d like to shoot. Premium members: make sure to pick up your Roadmap guide, filled with tips on taking photos for the month’s theme.

4. Grab your camera at the scheduled time and take some photos! It’s ok if they don’t turn out perfect right away – what’s important is that you’re shooting.

5. Premium members: Submit your one best shot to the Challenge for your review and Lightroom lesson from Shelly Perry.

Remember, Summer Sprints are open to everyone. However, if you’re a Premium member, you can submit your one best shot for a review and Lightroom lesson TWICE per month through August.

If you keep thinking about taking photos for the theme each month, but it just passes you by… do something! It doesn’t have to take long. Just one hour a week will do it!