
How I Became a Globetrotting Travel Blogger

Way back in January 2002, after many years of planning, I finally took the plunge and set off traveling for what was supposed to be just a year. My mother had recently passed after a long illness, and her final words to me were, “Don’t wait until it’s too late, travel while you’re still fit…

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4 Ways Thinking Like a Journalist Will Help Your Blog

When you’re creating content for your travel blog, you can do more than one post about a destination you’ve been to. Search for different angles about the country you’re going to the way that journalists and feature writers do. Travel journalists follow a similar structure to travel bloggers, but often push their work further. By…

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5 Tips for Effective Instagram Stories

As a travel blogger, there is an array of different promotional tools available to ensure that your content performs well, and Instagram is without a doubt the best place to start. It boasts millions of users eager for wanderlust pictures and travel tales—so there’s an extremely large audience that you can tap into. But with…

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Get Started Food Blogging With These 3 Steps

So, you’ve decided you want to become a food blogger. That’s great, but what next? How do you get started? I’m going to help with some key points that a new food blogger should keep in mind. 1. Decide your focus First of all, you need to decide whether you’re going to be a food…

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5 Steps to Getting Started in Stock Photography

I attended The Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop in 2019 in St. Louis. Initially, my goals were to add better photographs to my travel articles, but I quickly became interested in stock photography. Here’s how I got started. 1. Choose a stock site and read the contributor terms and conditions. After reading the terms and conditions, begin…

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3 Ways to Earn Money from Photography

Photography started as my hobby and passion. It took me a while to realize that I could make money from my passion, but I eventually turned photography into my main source of income. If you’re interested in taking photography past being your hobby and turn it into an extra (or even main) income stream, then…

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The Human Tripod

This week’s tip is about holding your camera. This may sound ridiculously simple and you might be wondering why on earth I would choose it as a subject for discussion. But the truth is: The way you hold your camera can make or break your shots. Camera shake can ruin an otherwise perfect photograph.  And…

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How to Organize Your Photos for Travel Writing

We’ve all heard a picture is worth a thousand words, but to a travel writer, photos are money. The sooner you learn to collect and organize photos, the sooner you will launch your career. In my first year of travel writing, I amassed over 10,000 images of destinations, attractions, food, wildlife, and wine. Unfortunately, I…

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