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How I plan to become a full-time travel writer...I have a dream. I’m willing to bet you do, too. My dream is to become a full-time travel writer. But as a busy single parent and small business owner, it’s not always easy to find the time.

Yesterday, I shared my journey becoming a travel writer with the help of GEP. Today, here are the steps I take to keep moving towards my goals:

Be patient… with yourself, and with the process. Each day, often many times a day, I would have a chat with myself, reminding myself that each step would keep me moving forward. A quote from LL Cool J expresses this…

“Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.”

Take a deep breath, because it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the abundance of information out there. Some days, I didn’t even know where to begin. Do I “query” a story first, or do I write the story first?

Insecurity set in, too. Why would an editor assign me a story when I don’t have any bylines?

Once again, enter GEP. This time, my resources came in the form of mentors found through The Travel Writer’s Café. They offered advice and helped guide me in taking those first few steps.

Do something every day. Probably the most important thing is to take small steps. Doing something each day moved me in the direction of my goals. I already knew this from running my own business, but I still wanted to rush into this new travel writing world and career with every ounce of excitement my small 5’4” frame could hold.

Network. An important “take action” step is to reach out for support to network with other writers. This one step became a resource of wealth that has supplied me with information, guidance, and several friendships along the way.

There are many avenues available to network with other like-minded writers and editors. My first connections were made through The Travel Writers Café, then through attending a local writer’s conference, and eventually connecting with other travel writers in a local chapter group. I did this with limited blocks of time, as I was still working, and it grew slowly but steadily.

Keeping in touch with my new friends through email and social media proved easy and efficient. Yet at times, I needed to remind myself of my own advice to be patient. A close friend encouraged me with small text messages which read, “You are doing well,” “Keep going,” “You will get there,” “One step at a time.”

Remember that the sky is the limit. The road we each take looks different for each person, being cultivated by our unique situations, life circumstances, goals, and dreams.

It’s imperative to keep putting one foot in front of the other, to take a breath and acknowledge your own accomplishments, and to always keep shooting for the stars.

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