Using Lightroom presets will transform your images...

Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Bonnie here, coming to you this week with some of my favorite ways to make your photos look professional… creative… and all-around gorgeous using Lightroom.

Photographers love to debate over the best cameras, lenses, tripods, and computers out there… but Lightroom is the one photographer’s tool that almost all pros agree on and use regularly.

Why? Because when you know how to use it, it makes your photos look amazing!

It’s the “secret sauce” behind all of those beautiful shots you see on magazine covers and gallery walls. 

But if you’ve never used it, it might seem intimidating. So today, I want to show you one of the simplest ways to edit your photos in Lightroom, that takes just one click.

It’s something called “presets.” 

Take this senior portrait, for example…

Using Lightroom presets will transform your images...

I like it, but I wanted to give it something extra. So, I clicked on four different Lightroom presets, and got all of these fun variations:

Using Lightroom presets will transform your images...

Each of these took just one click!

And that’s just the beginning. In Lightroom, you can remove blemishes or unwanted items in your photos… correct exposure and white balance… straighten horizons… and give your photos that extra “pop” they need to stand out and sell.

Tomorrow, I’ll show you another one-click Lightroom trick that can turn a so-so photo into a work of art you can sell.

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