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“You don’t take a photograph—you make it.” – Ansel Adams

Take your photos to the next level with Lightroom here:

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry welcomes back Bonnie Caton, Creator of the Breakfast Stock Club, to talk about Lightroom. You can listen to her previous podcast about how she got started with Great Escape Publishing here.

What is Lightroom?

Bonnie explains…

“You know how everybody loves Ansel Adams’ photos, right? He was one of the best photographers in history. You look at one of his photos and you know that he spent days and weeks and months and years trying to find the right time and the right light to take a good photo. But, Ansel spent a lot of time in the dark room when he was developing his film adding light and subtracting light—making sure the contrast was just right and perfecting everything in the dark room. Back then he would use light and chemicals to do that. Now, we use software and the industry standard is Lightroom.”

Great photographs don’t come straight out of the camera—no matter how good of a photographer you are. Even trained photographers need to edit their photos and Bonnie refers to this as “reality plus” which means taking the photos to look like what you saw with your eyes and then giving them an extra edge.

Bonnie gives us an idea of the types of things she does to enhance her photos and how Lightroom can help you take your photographs to the next level.

“You can bump up the contrast, straighten the horizon line, and do other fine tune edits. Or you can remove a piece of trash out of a photo, soften wrinkles on someone’s face, and much, much more.”

Lightroom even keeps your photos organized. Listen in for more information on all the perks of using Lightroom to give your photos an edge.

Bonnie just created a course on Lightroom that has over 40 videos to help you learn to use the program. You can learn more about it and sign up at:

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