Give Us 2 Days…and We’ll Help You Become a Money-Making Photographer
Discover the pros’ tricks to make photos that sell…set up a passive income from your images…and earn while you do something you love
Point, Shoot and Profit: Online
Photography Workshop
May 15-16, 2021
Dear Reader,
If you enjoy photography and like the idea of turning your camera into a money-making device, you should know: You could get paid to capture images of everything from your own dog to a pizza at a restaurant in town to Big Ben in London.
You could earn while you make your own hours, travel when and where you like, and wake up excited to turn something you love into income.
When you know the strategies, you can earn with images you snap just about anywhere—from as close as your kitchen table to as far away as Bangkok or Nairobi.
You don’t need any experience or fancy equipment to get started. If you have an interest in creating good photos and in turning them into cash…you can do this.
I’d like to show you exactly how at our first-ever Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop, May 15-16, 2021.
During two fun days spent (online) in the good company of our professional photography experts, I guarantee: You’ll not only enjoy yourself… but you’ll come away with the skills you need to sell your images to…
- magazines,
- newspapers,
- online stock agencies,
- local businesses,
- and other photo buyers around the world.
Whatever you like to take photos of, we’ll help you understand where you can sell those photos and begin to turn your interests into income.
It could be a photo of a teacup in your cabinet, or a flower in your back yard…
It might be a shot from a faraway adventure like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or a food stall in Bangkok…
If you can take pictures like these…
© Amy Muschik. This photo was taken at a Great Escape Publishing pet photography workshop. Royalties have been more than $1,000 since 2012.
© Theresa St. John. Since 2014, this simple image of a diner booth has earned $295 and counting.
© Wayne Hoover. Wayne sold a set of fine art photos (including this one) for $500 a pop, bringing in a total of $2,000 since 2017.
You could easily…
- Turn photos of your days out, your backyard, even objects around your house, into income…
- See your photos on the cover or inside pages of a glossy magazine…
- Earn a couple hundred to a few thousand dollars for your vacation and hometown photographs…
- Build a steady stream of passive income from your photos that can pay your bills or fund your retirement…
- Turn a hard drive full of images gathering dust on your computer into spare cash…
- And when the time is right, travel to places you’ve only dreamed of… and let your photo royalties foot the bill
Why Now is a Great Time to Boost Your Photo Skills
This is Declan Aylward, Editorial Director at Great Escape Publishing.
I realize we’re still hunkered down for the moment, so you may be asking: “How can I get started as a photographer when I’m stuck at home?”
But there’s arguably never been a better time to get your “ducks in a row” to learn the ins and outs of this photography business, beef up the skills you need to take saleable photos, and make yourself attractive to the businesses that need photos for their websites, social media channels, and marketing materials.
Whether it’s ordering takeout, shopping for groceries, or even new clothes…these days, we do more and more of our spending online.
And the pandemic has accelerated that trend, with businesses moving online to meet demand.
Every business website, blog, or social media account relies heavily on photos to get their message across. And that includes businesses in and around your home town…
Who are they going to get to take these photos for them? Well, it could be you! And this May, our experts will show you how it’s done—including,
- How to know what photos to take and how to turn one idea into multiple images—and then sell them.
- What sort of photos probably aren’t worth your while if your goal is to sell them—you don’t want to waste your time on images nobody is looking for.
- How to know what’s “hot” so you’re always at the front of a trend and snapping the kinds of images most likely to make you money.
Jump Start Your Photography Success
Over two days, you’ll gain all the expert advice and professional guidance you need to jump start your photography success so you can break into this world of photography and enjoy the freedom it can provide—fast and efficiently.
You’ll log in on Saturday with your notebook and a camera. And log off on Sunday evening with everything you need to know to turn your photos into pay checks.
Our overriding goal: accelerate your success and cut years off your learning curve—so that sooner than you imagine possible, you can be earning a rewarding income from taking pictures that sell.
“Much of the time, I simply take pictures of things I do, and places I go in my everyday life. It’s these same photos that can end up being the ones that sell the most. For example, I snapped this photo at a friend’s wedding in Paris. And now it’s in a frame on a shelf in a store (the “pretend” photo they use to sell the frame)—all because I sold it as a stock image (something I’ll show you how to do this May). You never know where your images may turn up—which is actually pretty cool. I’ve seen mine on album covers, books, even on billboards. And every time they sell, I make money.”
— Shelly Perry
You Can Do This!
Even if you’ve only ever taken
snapshots of family and friends…
You’ll be surprised how easy and flexible it can be to turn photography into a rewarding income… once you know a few tricks of the trade.
If you’re looking for a full-time gig, you can treat it that way. Or this can easily be something you do on the side – on weekends or only when you travel.
You don’t have to be a gifted photographer or own the fanciest equipment—you just need to know who’s buying and what types of photos they’re looking for. And that’s exactly what we’ll show you in May—just like we did with Kristen Bentz…
Kristen attended our workshop in Phoenix, AZ several years ago and soon after used her new skills to sell her photos locally. Today she’s making a name for herself with her dramatic weather and storm images like this one:
Kristen Bentz has sold this photo multiple times for an upwards of $2,500
earning her a total of $7,000 for this single image since 2012.
But what’s really great for Kristen is that she’s having a blast. She’s doing something she’d gladly do for free in her spare time anyway. The only difference now is that she’s making money from it.
And she’s not alone…
Colleen Bessel first attended a Great Escape photo workshop in 2014 and is now selling her photos as fine art on a tiny island off the coast of Vancouver. She sets up a booth at her local art fair where she displays bright color photos that she’s turned into digital watercolors.
Colleen took this quick snap while at a wedding and it’s gone on to earn her over $1,000 over the last five years—a single shot! All told she earns about $3,000 each summer selling photo prints at her booth.
And take Danny Warren.
Danny is the proud father of two beautiful children. He has a full-time job as a computer programmer. Photography is a hobby for Danny. A busy and hectic schedule doesn’t leave him with a lot of extra time.
Whenever he gets a spare moment, Danny escapes to go hiking, camping, and traveling—and of course taking pictures of his adventures along the way. He’s able to submit photos from his trips to an online stock agency where they sell without any extra work on his part.
Danny’s grateful to have a steady passive income stream that helps fund his travels, and boost the family budget doing something he loves.
Not one of these folks had any formal training as a photographer.
They simply learned a few tricks behind creating a good photograph and how to sell it…and next thing you know, they’d discovered how to turn a fun photo hobby into a viable income stream.
No Travel? No Problem. Take Profitable Photos in Your Own Home
While travel and destination shots from exotic vacations can make for great photos, there’s no reason you can’t start taking saleable photos around your house, your backyard, and your hometown. In fact, many folks have made good income from photos, without going far at all…
Lisa Top spent a few minutes running around the house taking pictures of oddities (gopher mounds, termite droppings, dry rot) anything that could be considered “pesty”. She figured insurance and pest-control companies might need photos like these.
And she was right!
She recently wrote to tell me that her photo of termite droppings is now her best seller online.
Patrick S. in Colorado isn’t a professional photographer either. One day, out at a nearby park with the family, he had his camera in tow and started taking a few shots… shots he then sold to an airline in-flight magazine.
He was hooked. Every place is a destination for somebody, after all… and these photos were designed to entice vacationers to come to his hometown. The best part? The first collection of shots he sold earned him $450. And then he did it again to the tune of $800. And then again for $1,300!
Beginners Welcome:
Discover How Fun and Easy it can be to
Turn Your Photos into Cash…
Join us for our Online Workshop, and you’ll login at the beginning of Day 1 with this idea that you might like to be a professional photographer. By the time we wrap up at the end of Day 2, you’ll feel excited, confident, and ready to make it happen.
You’ll have opportunities to ask questions along the way. And after the two days come to an end, you’ll have a chance to put what you’ve learned into practice.
We’ll give you an assignment, and once you’re happy with the images we ask you to make, you’ll pick one to send in. And one of one of our professional photographers will review it personally—so you’ll get feedback specific to you and your photo with guidance about what you got right, what could be improved, and even where you might sell it.
We’ve structured this program to be practical—and that means everything you’ll learn will help get you that much closer to living life as a money-making photographer… a life where you’re learning new things and exploring new places and enjoying a real adventure.
And we’ll show you how you can make that true, even in these crazy times.
When you join us on May 15-16, you’ll see how you can turn your spare time into money-making time—and have fun doing it. Even if all you’ve ever done is take vacation snapshots and pictures at family holiday time.
It doesn’t take any special equipment. Or years of experience. In fact, if you can snap simple photographs like these, you can do it…
© Theresa St. John. This image has sold as both stock and fine art, earning a total of $420 since 2014.
© Amy Muschik. Since 2013, this image has now earned her more than $1,000.
© Lisa Top. Lisa sold these three together printed on metal for $750!
© Shelly Perry. This photo is part of a series that has already earned more than $12,000 since 2013.
You Likely Have Everything You Need to Get Started
There’s no question: This craziness will pass, eventually, borders will open up, and we will travel again… but in the meantime: It’s the ideal time to position yourself well for success.
Right now, we can’t put you in a room in person with our experts. But that’s why we’ve created this Online Workshop. This way we can come to you. We’ll show you how it’s all done, and you can soak in the secrets—from the comfort of your home.
Taking saleable photos…seeing your images in print…setting up passive income from stock images… With the right guidance, anyone can do all those things.
You DON’T need a degree in fine art or top-of-the-range studio equipment to start making money from photography.
Nor do you need a super-fancy camera. (In fact, we’ll show you how you can turn your images from your smartphone camera into a cash.)
What you DO need is curiosity… And a willingness to learn the techniques, tricks, and secrets the pros rely on to create the types of photos that customers want.
This May at our Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop, that’s exactly what our team of professional photo experts will show you.
Join us at The Point, Shoot and Profit: Photography Workshop and you’ll discover:
- Why photography is the best way to make money on the internet—something you can do for fun, on your own schedule, and without a big investment in gear.
- The one thing other photography courses never tell you– it’s not the prettiest pictures that sell. Great photos go unsold every day while ugly photos sell in droves. Discover what you need to know about this huge photography marketplace and how to cash in by selling simple, easy-to-shoot photos.
- Learn the secret to selling your images online. You don’t need to do ANY marketing. They sell themselves 24 hours a day, even while you sleep. And they can be photos of anything from your houseplant to the Eiffel Tower.
- Find out how your hometown, your pets, your kids, your vacations, even the weather! –can all be photo goldmines. And discover how you can take photographs right in your own back yard that will bring in more than $1,000 over time, like it has for some of the photos above—and what’s even better, is that it could be passive income!
- How to be smart about work/life balance: How to balance time and money so you’re earning the most from the least amount of work.
- The “magnet” formula to creating a buying frenzy for your photos! It’s all in how you describe your images. We’ll hand you the “keywording tool” that works like magic. It’s fast. And it’s easy.
- Find out how to sell simple travel photographs to magazines and newspapers. You decide where you want to go when travel opens up again—getting spa treatments in Bali, skiing in Utah, shopping in Paris—and we’ll show you how to turn pictures from your trip into money in your pocket.
- Get feedback on your photos in our post-workshop review session. You’ll quickly see from our team of professional photographers and photo editors exactly what makes for a good photograph. You’ll find out why those glossy magazine photos always look so stunning and how you can tweak yours to have the same effect.
- Learn where to start: Discover what photo buyers want from beginner photographers like you. Skip the “guessing game” of what buyers want, save time, and find out exactly how to succeed from the get-go.
How to Turn Your Hometown into an Income…
In addition to all the opportunities to sell stock and fine-art photos of your own hometown… we’ll also show you a simple new skill you can quickly learn, to earn $300 – $2,800 per project, in a single weekend, by working with local businesses…
And when you do that, you’re pretty much guaranteed local celebrity status. That means invites to all sorts of fun stuff—like gallery openings, tourist attractions, new restaurants, and more…
This May, at our Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop, we’ll show you how it’s done…
Get Paid to Have FUN!
If you’d like to set your own hours…travel when you please…wake up every morning loving what you do, then you absolutely have to join us for this one, power-packed weekend.
As I mentioned, this workshop isn’t filled with abstract fluff. We tell you how, in the real world, this industry works. And then we show you—step-by-step—exactly how to navigate your way through it.
You’re not alone. Over the years we’ve shared the secrets to success with thousands of readers just like you. And the folks who have joined us in the past will tell you they’re happier, healthier, and more successful because they did.
“This workshop changed my life—or at least the direction it was going in. My biggest fear was dying before I actually had a chance to live. You gave me hope, confidence and skills all at the same time. I’ve been all over the United States…to Ireland, Fiji and Paris thanks to these events. I’m, of course, doing all the “hard” work of taking photos. But you opened my eyes to the possibilities and I’m forever grateful.”
— Theresa St John
“I never thought I’d be a photographer. I was actually more interested in writing than I was photography. Now look—my last print just sold for $1,500 and I’m having so much fun with it. I keep telling everyone: Just try it. You’ll never know if you like it unless you try it.”
— Wayne Hoover
“I just have to share this. Prior to attending my first photography workshop, I did not know what ISO or F-stop were. I am therefore thrilled every time one of my stock photos shows up somewhere cool. A few months ago one was shown on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, and today one showed up on a syndicated column that appeared in all online Sun media newspapers across Canada.”
— Amy Muschik
“I was looking forward to having a great time, learning a LOT, and being inspired. Let me say I was NOT disappointed!! My expectations were greatly exceeded and the workshop was a truly AWESOME experience. The program and instructors were excellent. The environment was supportive and heartfelt. Networking opportunities were plentiful, and all my questions were graciously answered. I was also very pleased to come away with a better sense of my direction with photography and marketing.”
— Lynn C.
No Experience Needed
“A truly friendly approach for beginners as well as lots of more advanced information and techniques/tools for more experienced photographers. And, of course, everyone is made welcome.”
– Vicki C.
“The Photographers Workshop is a great way to open the door to take you to the next level of your photography. The workshop was well worth every penny.”
— Lauri B.
“I feel empowered and fueled with a new energy and that is worth its weight in gold! The warmth of this group extends from the staff to the presenters and radiates throughout the members.”
— Morgane M.
Ordinary Folks,
Extraordinary Successes.
See How Much Previous Participants are
Earning Now…
When you join me and my expert colleagues for this Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop, May 15-16, 2021, you’ll learn not just everything you need to get started… but everything you need to set yourself up on a path to success for a photographer’s lifetime of freedom, adventure, and profits, including…
- The skills you need to take saleable photos, even if you’re just starting out and don’t know what all the buttons on your camera do…
- Expert guidance and experience, with the opportunity to learn with our photography experts. This is great for beginners and experienced photographers alike…
- A road-tested income plan, with specific steps you can follow and no guesswork…
- A plan for growth– you’ll be part of our community, so as your skills grow over time you can continue to share tips and ideas with fellow photographers, keep up with the latest trends in the market, and learn how to grow your new income even more…
Basically, it’s the quickest and most comprehensive way for you to get started as a money-making photographer—whether you’ve taken courses before and want to take things to the next level, or are starting completely from scratch.
But don’t just take my word for it. Folks who have already used the tricks and secrets taught in our programs in the past are enjoying tremendous success…
Meet Wayne Hoover:
Here’s another participant turned photographer, Cheryl Bigman:
Noreen Kompanik told us she’s now earned more than $1,600 selling photos with her travel articles since 2014.
Troy Nelson came to our photography workshop, followed our 10-Day Success Plan when the workshop ended, and told me he quickly made $1,500! He loves taking storm photos, as well as pattern and texture photos of his fossil and mineral collection that he sells online…
Even after attending photography school and numerous photo workshops, James Kao had little idea of how to monetize his skills until he came to our Photography Workshop. He’s since had his work featured in magazines (including a two-page spread in Hana Hou Magazine) and he’s earned more than $5,000 in prizes from photo contests.
Lisa Norrgard sold at least 20 canvas prints within months, with prices ranging from $225 to $375 each.
Caroline Maryan entered five of her photos in an exhibition for emerging artists in Seoul, South Korea where she lived at the time. Three of them sold. Two for $500 each and $600 for the third.
Leslie Ehrin sold hers to a textbook in 1998 for nearly $30,000, imagine what it would be worth now (Note: Not everyone can expect this. Wow!)
Marylinda Ramos got $500 from a photo along with a cover image and story in a regional sailing magazine.
Wayne Hoover sold a set of fine art photos for $1,500.
© Theresa St. John. Royalties and fine art sales since 2014 total nearly $820.
Beverly Shook puts her nature and still life prints in calendars and has made almost $1,000 from her calendars in the past six years.
Stephanie Wolden takes pictures of vineyards, expensive wine bottles, and winery events in her Napa hometown and recently wrote to say her side hustle now brings in $13,000 per year!
Diane Watson was invited to exhibit her work in a local gallery for Atlanta Celebrates Photography. She received $300 for one photo and $150 to $200 for others.
Stories like these continue to roll in—from around the country and around the world. People selling their photos in lots of different ways… working when and where suits them… and getting paid for what they love to do already…
And now we’d like to add your story, too.
This Is Our One and Only Expert-Packed Photography Event of 2021
Every year for the past two decades, we’ve gotten our experts together in person—altogether in one room—and invited readers like you to join us and explore the practical secrets required to break into photography fast.
This year, we’re “getting together” virtually with this first-ever Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop—all the expertise and guidance, but no airfare or hotel or restaurant costs.
If you’ve been thinking to yourself, “I really should try photography,” I assure you: there will not be a more powerful or cost-effective way to do it.
I hope you’ll participate in real time over the weekend of May 15-16. But understand, we’ll be archiving the program as it unfolds, so even if you miss something, it’ll be there for you to watch at your leisure, after the fact.
And you’ll have recorded access to the full Workshop forever. That’s included.
And I want to assure you: This isn’t just a “we talk, you listen” event.
Yes, we’ll have lots of useful, eye-opening—and I hope entertaining—presentations for you to watch.
But we’re building in interactive group discussions, too, so you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions at intervals along the way.
And we’ll host a live panel discussion among a group of experts also, so you’ll have a chance to chime in then, as well, and can ask them anything you like.
During those interactive sessions, you’ll be able to submit your comments and questions and get feedback and answers from the experts, on the spot.
What’s more—we’ll be giving you an assignment during the program. You’ll be creating your first saleable image. (Don’t worry, our experts will walk you through exactly what to do.) Once you have your photo (after the Workshop comes to a close), you’ll send it in for a critique by one of the presenters. It’s a way for you to get some concrete, personalized feedback from the experts. And that’s included at no additional charge—it’s part of the Workshop program.
Our speakers are part of the Great Escape Publishing family—and I can say with confidence that they are all extraordinarily generous in sharing their hard-won secrets and expertise.
They genuinely want you to succeed, and so do I.
You’ll Find Our Speakers to Be Smart, Experienced, Generous, and
This May, when you tune in, you’ll get real “boots on the ground” advice from experts who are making it happen themselves. They’re all approachable and generous with their time and expertise. They firmly believe that anybody—armed with the right secrets and a commitment to use them—can turn his or her photos into cash.
You’ll hear from…
Daniel Nahabedian is a freelance travel and cultural photographer. He’ll be your host for this first-ever online photography workshop in May.
In 2008, Daniel bought his first camera and within one year became a full-time photographer. Currently living in Granada, Spain, Daniel speaks five languages and has lived all over the world including France and Thailand. His work has appeared in Travel+Escape, AsiaRooms, Smithsonian magazine, National Geographic website, Matador Network and more.
During our workshop, he’ll talk about his journey from no-income photographer to travel photographer and show you how to do the same. If you aren’t sure you have what it takes to really make a go of photography… Daniel has been there and knows exactly the advice and skills you need to pick up. He’s also known for his amazing way of creating magic with light—and he’ll teach you how to do the same this year.
Shelly Perry, from Portland, Oregon, specializes in stock photography. Her images have been seen all over the globe on music CD covers, books, magazines, catalogs, websites, ad campaigns, and even on TV. She earns more money in online stock agencies with a small portfolio than others earn with their very large collections of images.
As a stock photographer, Shelly knows that keywording is a lot of work, and can take up most of the time that it takes to submit images to agencies. She’ll share her handy keywording tips, designed to help you upload images to agencies faster—and make them stand out to potential clients. She’ll also offer guidance on which agencies to go with, and why you should avoid wasting your time on images that won’t sell.
Amy Muschik has been a certified Google Street View Trusted Photographer since 2014, and in 2016 several of her 360 photos were awarded the honor of being included in a Google “Street View Gallery” special collection. In 2012 with no previous experience, Amy began building a portfolio of stock photography after attending the GEP photography workshop in Portland, Oregon. Through her pursuit of new photography skills, Amy discovered the Google Street View program, and began creating 360 degree interactive tours for business clients. This innovative approach to photography has grown into a full-time business, while she continues to contribute to stock photo sites. In addition to having her travel and stock photos appear in numerous publications, including Reader’s Digest, The Toronto Sun, and GQ Style, one of her photos was even used on the Tonight Show.
She’ll introduce you to 360 photos and share how she created some of the images in her special collection—and how you can do the same.
Danny Warren has worked with Great Escape Publishing for over 10 years and has been a stock photographer for 15 years specializing in outdoor recreation. He’s found a way to balance a day job he loves as a computer programmer, by integrating photography into his own outdoor activities. His photos capture an authentic glimpse of real people on real adventures big and small. On nights after his children are in bed, you’ll likely find him poring over Google Earth scouting out the next place to explore. His work has appeared in places such as Backpacker Magazine, Outside Magazine, National Geographic Books, billboards, and even an energy bar wrapper.
This coming May, Danny will share his tips for outdoor photography, and why it is trending right now.
Efraín M. Padró is a professional photographer and instructor specializing in travel, nature and architectural subjects. Efraín practiced law for almost 20 years before becoming a full-time photographer. He has photographed in such diverse locations as Europe, South America, Mexico, Asia, India and the Caribbean.
Efraín’s work has appeared in Travel + Leisure, Frommer’s Budget Travel, Conde Nast, and other publications, and he is the author of The Photographer’s Guide to New Mexico. When he lived in Santa Fe, he taught photography and Legal Issues for Visual Artists at various New Mexico schools. He’s a former member of the Board of Directors of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA).
This May, Efraín will give advice and tips on how to price your photos, the pros and cons of watermarking your work, and when to copyright in order to protect your images.
Theresa St. John today an accomplished travel writer and photographer, started out working in retail—convinced she’d never have the money or time to fulfill her travel dreams. But today she’s been paid to visit Ireland, Fiji, Mexico, England and Paris, and throughout the U.S. Theresa has landed several cover photos and feature articles since she started out in 2013. Her secret? She’s combined images and words in just the right way to create packages that really sell.
Her work has appeared in The Right Way to Travel, Farming Magazine, International Living, Saratoga Springs Life Magazine, The Observation Post newspaper, Discover Saratoga, Saratoga Mama, Saratoga Today magazine, Travel Thru History, BabyBoomster, MapQuest, and MilesGeek, and beyond. She is also successful contributor to many stock photography sites.
This May, Theresa will reveal how, by writing a few paragraphs to go with your photos, you can seriously boost your overall income. You don’t need to have a degree in English—you just need the few tips that she’ll share with you.
If you’re starting out as a photographer, Theresa will cover the types of photos you should consider taking first. Most importantly, she’ll talk about the types of photos that sell well…and where to sell them.
Belinda Woodhouse (Bel) is a freelance travel writer, photographer and videographer currently living her dream life in the Mexican Caribbean.
Her photography has been published in multiple magazines, as well as on book covers, as stock photography and as private shoots.
Head honcho at The Travel Bag and author of the 21 Reasons to Visit … travel book series, all photography was delightfully done by Bel as nothing was safe from her curiosity. A lover of adventure, exploration and the wild places, you will find her climbing over ruins, tubing down jungle rivers and exploring the depths of the oceans…with her trusty camera ‘Ruby’ by her side.
This May, Bel will show how anyone can use their smartphone to start earning from photography. She’ll talk about the best markets for smartphone photography…and why this is an area that is set to be the fastest-growing area of photography in 2021. You won’t want to miss her presentation!
Kristi Dosh is a former corporate attorney who tired of the grind and reinvented herself as a writer and speaker. She was the first female sports business reporter for ESPN and today is a regular contributor for Forbes, Entrepreneur, and POPSUGAR and freelances elsewhere as well.
An expert on social media, Kristi has used it to take advantage of on-the-house travel opportunities all over the globe—like ski vacations in Colorado. She’ll explain how you can use social media to position yourself as a photographer, set your sights on potential clients, and set yourself up for potential perks, like hotel stays, press trips, meals out, and more.
Jad Davenport has spent the past two decades writing, photographing and filming stories in more than 160 countries. His work has appeared in National Geographic magazines and books, Islands, Outside, Men’s Journal, Smithsonian, GEO, Conde Nast, Travel + Leisure, Newsweek, Audubon and others. Before focusing on the beauty of the world, Jad spent a decade covering wars and genocides from El Salvador and Cambodia to Iraq and Kosovo.
When not working on his own feature stories, Jad enjoys mentoring writers and photographers in small-group workshops around the world. He’ll share his experience of visual storytelling—how to tell a story with photos—and who buys these stories.
Normally out on assignment all over the world, Jad has been staying close to home more recently, but that hasn’t stopped him from creating beautiful photos and visual stories. He’ll share his experience with you this May.
Tom Reissmann is globe-trotting professional videographer, who found his passion 15 years ago by producing promotional videos for tourism companies. He quit his day job soon afterwards and started financing his travels using videos.
Tom has spent five years in Australia and two in Europe, traveling and producing travel videos—as well as filming wildlife while traveling through Africa. These days he spends his summers filming in Canada, and his winters editing his videos from Panama.
During 2020, Tom pivoted to working more with local businesses in Panama, and this May, he’ll share his tips and experience with you. He’ll also give you a deep-dive into the world of video, and how you can use it to earn even more! If you’re already taking photos, it’s an easy step to add video to your offerings—and that can be a lucrative addition.
Pam Phillips is a professional fine art photographer, with a successful studio and gallery in Pennsylvania. She exhibits and sells her work at fine art shows all over the North East, as well as online via her website, and she serves on the board of the Professional Photographer’s Association of PA.
Passionate about sharing her love of art and creativity, Pam experimented with stock photography, travel photography and more…but it was fine art photography that captured her heart. ‘With fine art photography, I can take photos of whatever pleases me during my travels, set my own work schedule, and edit my images to my heart’s content.‘
This May, Pam will share her passion with you. She has years of experience ‘making it work’ for her fine art business. She will talk about what sells, how to market your work, and turn your creativity into a viable income stream.
Our Speakers Earn Rave Reviews
“This is a unique opportunity to learn firsthand from professionals—up close and personal. They are all so humble and ready to share their knowledge. A great place to share, learn, and come away inspired.”
— Chris Z.
“By far this is the best program I have ever involved myself in. So informative and well presented. When you leave it is almost like leaving family. You will be back. Promise.”
— Ralph G.
“This was the most amazing workshop from beginning to end. The energy and flow was enlightening. The wealth of information was beyond my imagination and I’m super excited to utilize some of the tools. An extra special bonus was the laughter and giveaway. Everything was shared. I am so grateful to GEP for this amazing experience that I will take with me for a very long while. Thank you everyone for a great weekend.”
— Lisa B.
“GEP wants you to succeed. The presenters/instructors are successful and very happy to share their “secret sauce” and encourage you to learn and grow. I definitely recommend this workshop for those thinking about becoming a photographer and those looking to re-energize their passion.”
— Marsha C.
“I was made to feel welcomed and important part of the G.E.P. family. As a first timer at G.E.P. I was simply blown away by the fantastic presenters and the wide variety of content. Simply amazing and I have attended a lot of workshops! Well done in every way.”
— Cynthia B.
“All you guys are awesome in your own way. Passion for photography shines through as does the firm belief that any of the attendees can make it. Your wonderful personalities are the icing on the cake.”
— Dara M.
“I learned more about photography in three days than I learned in a lifetime!”
— James T.
“This is the most informative and inspiring workshop I’ve ever attended. Bonus — the people. So many nice, friendly, supportive members of the group and staff.”
— Karen A.
Our presenters will reveal “tricks of the trade” to take more saleable images. They’re all ready to generously share their wisdom, tips, and expert secrets, both on the stage and in the interactive Q&A sessions, with anyone who asks.
There’s no doubt – getting paid to take pictures no matter where you are is a great lifestyle.
You’ll get the details on where to sell stock photos, editorial, fine art and destination photos from your hometown, or vacation spots.
But they’ll also show you how to score free stuff and enjoy perks along the way—things like free stays and access to places only photographers are usually allowed.
There is no substitute for the live, expert experience you’ll gain from our team of professionals.
Throughout the program, you’ll discover…
- Simple (but powerful) tricks that will instantly transform your photos from average snapshots to photographs you can sell to a variety of buyers…
- The tricks of the trade that photographers and videographers use to score VIP treatment, deep discounts, park and show passes, and more…
- The two best, proven ways to set up a passive income stream with your photos and make money selling simple images online (that’s money that comes in while you sleep)…
- This year’s hottest trends including why authenticity is in—no need for models and fake settings—now you can photograph real people doing real things. We’ll show you how and where to sell the photos…
- The first, second, and third steps to take to earn money with your photography this year—even if you have zero experience…
- How to take advantage of local photo opportunities …
- Advice on what kind of camera to buy – spoiler: It’s not the biggest, most expensive models…
- Where to find $300-$2,800 photo projects you can complete in a single weekend…
- How to break into magazine photography – PLUS: 3 magazines that are almost always in need of good photos and stories and how to get it right…
- How to earn thousands of dollars a year selling simple video clips from your camera or Smartphone…
- How you can ditch the 9-to-5 grind… be your own boss… and work from anywhere in the world… from Italy to Fiji with your new-found skills…
- Plus, how to start from scratch and earn back your workshop fee in 90 days or less…
- And lots, lots more…
And not only will you learn these tricks and secrets from the pros, you’ll get a chance to try them yourself, too…
Get Professional And Supportive Feedback—From Mentors Who Want You to Succeed
After all, sitting behind a desk and learning how to do something is completely different from getting up and actually doing it. Our experts will send you out ‘in the field’ after the weekend workshop. We’ll talk you though exactly what to do to get out there and start taking photos you could sell.
And you’ll get feedback on your work so there’s no guesswork.
You’ll know what it takes and you’ll have proof that you can do it. And you’ll come away with the beginning of a saleable photo portfolio in hand (plus all the know-how you need to reproduce saleable photos on your own). That’s what this whole thing is about, really.
Feedback is the number one tool new photographers need to succeed. Good feedback on your images – from a pro that knows the system – can shave years off your learning curve and ultimately put you in a happier place.
You’ll find that this is a safe space for beginners to learn – you won’t get a harsh critique, but rather helpful advice from a supportive and encouraging teacher. Someone who will motivate you to keep at it.
All you need to do is come with an interest in photography—no experience necessary, just a digital camera in hand – and in two days this May, we’ll show you exactly what you need to know to turn photos and videos of your next vacation… your own hometown… and even your pets… into a fast, fun, easy income stream… for life.
In your spare time. Again, no experience necessary.
5 Reasons Why You Won’t Want to Miss This Point, Shoot and Profit Photographer’s Workshop
- The Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop is NOT your standard-fare photo workshop. It’s true you’ll spend some time listening to our seasoned pros divulge their secrets… but you’ll also put what you’ve learned into practice. We’ll be encouraging you to start shooting around your hometown as soon as the workshop ends.
- It includes a review session where you’ll get personal feedback on one of your photos. You’ll have the opportunity to learn even more by watching the experts’ give feedback on other participants’ photos too.
- You’ll discover fun and lucrative niches you may never have considered before. Our speakers will cover everything from smartphone photography, to fine art…360 degree photos, video, and a lot more!
- We make it our business to let you know exactly what editors, photo buyers, and stock agencies want. You can’t find this information on the street and it would likely take you years of trial-and-error to learn it for yourself. Our experts share the secrets.
- Whether you like taking pictures of your family, snapping photos of flowers in your backyard, or street scenes—our experts can help you make your photos saleable by showing you tricks that are easy to master…once you know how.
An Exciting New Money-Making Adventure… That Adds More Fun And Freedom to Your Life
If you’re interested in finding a way to help fund your travels with your photos… a way to earn an income with a flexible schedule, from right there at home, or anywhere you would like to travel in the future… and set yourself up for a lifetime of creativity and adventure… then don’t wait to do it.
Act now. This is our ONLY Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop in 2021.
And it’s the fastest, most efficient, and most cost-effective way there is for you to gain all the knowledge you need to make money from your photographs… for life. Our experts will be on hand to help guide you as you get started.
If you’re ready to turn that dream into a reality, then I encourage you to join us this coming May.
One big advantage to this program is that it really helps you focus in on what’s most important. It shows you how to work smart—how to prioritize your efforts and make them count. A lot of the secrets you’ll learn would take you years to figure out on your own. But our speakers will spare you the trouble, frustration, and time… and just cut to the chase.
That way you’re sure to be using your time and energy wisely. There’s no more efficient—or fun—way to learn this stuff and guarantee you’re up-and-running, taking photos and selling them—fast.
Here’s How This Program Will Work
This Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop will take place over two days, Saturday and Sunday, May 15-16, 2021. It will begin at a manageable time, 11:00 am Eastern/8:00 am Pacific. (You’ll get specific details in your registration packet.)
The online presentations and live discussions will take place over roughly 7 hours each day, with brief, built-in breaks scheduled for your convenience.
Don’t worry if you can’t be there to see each speaker’s presentations. We’ll archive every bit of this Workshop so you can go back and review it at your leisure.
And you’ll have lifetime access to this program online, so you can review it long into the future.
It means that when you participate in this Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop:
- You’ll be able to watch the presentations and participate in the Question-and-Answer sessions in real time the weekend of May 15-16, 2021.
- We’ll archive the footage each day, so you can log on and review any presentation you missed—don’t worry if you can’t be available for every session.
- You’ll have access to the full recordings and written program “handouts” and other materials.
- PLUS, as a participant, you’ll be invited to submit a photo for review by one of our experts. You’ll get your “assignment” during the Workshop, and then the presenters will be on call after it ends, waiting for you to submit your photo so we can give you some personalized feedback that’ll help you kickstart your portfolio.
While we can’t host you in person, with this Online Workshop, you’ll be able to see and hear what our experts say and be virtually “in the room” with them. You can ask questions and be privy to every question your fellow attendees ask—learning the answers firsthand.
Register Now and SAVE BIG
We could reasonably charge $1,997 for an event of this caliber.
- It comes with personalized feedback.
- It’s expert-driven and focused on showing you how to create saleable photos.
- And it’s designed to teach you exactly how to set up a passive income from photos, so that you can build your portfolio and earn incrementally as you go.
In fact, that’s the full price we’ve charged in the past for our live, in-person workshops. And even at $1,997—you could quickly recoup that cost within 90 days of starting out.
But we’re not going to charge anywhere near that.
The registration fee for this Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop is just $897.
However, when you sign on now—by May 7, 2021—you can save $200 and attend for just $697.
And I should point out: You can easily invite a guest—your spouse, partner, or anyone else in your household—to sit next to you for this special online event. And you won’t pay a penny extra.
In other words: You can join us this year for this Online Workshop and do so (with the Early Bird Discount) for about 1/3 what it would have cost you to attend a program like this in person. Same experts. Same secrets. But at a small fraction of the price.
And we’re making it easy—we’re coming to you!
Though this Workshop is non-refundable once the program has begun, if you decide—between now and May 10, 2021—that you don’t want to attend after all, you can simply let us know, and we’ll issue you a full refund.
This represents a truly extraordinary value for two days packed full of professional guidance and expert access.
But please be aware—this is the ONLY event of this kind we’re hosting this year. We’re not sure when we’ll be able to gather our experts at one time again.
So if you’re ready to jump-start your success… if you’re ready to use this time at home wisely to position yourself well as money-making photographer, then I can say with confidence: This is the best way I know for you to do it.
Register today, and you can do so for just
If you prefer to register over the phone, please feel free to call Kacyn, our Great Escape Publishing Event Liaison in Florida directly at 561-266-6570 or toll-free at 866-904-1074.
There’s more, too.
Everybody who signs on to participate in our Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop will benefit from a collection of powerful extras, as well…
Special Bonus # 1:
Camera Confident At-Home Training Program
No matter what your current skill level we’ll make sure you’re ready to get the most out of your photographer’s workshop.
And the best part is, you don’t have to wait months to get started.
As soon as you register, we’ll send you access to this training program, where we will take you by the hand (from the comfort of your own home) and get you up to speed on all the basics you need to get the most bang for your buck out of this event.
Light, composition, camera settings, simple but effective tricks… we’ll cover them all in your “Camera Confident” at-home training program.
This is just one of your fast-reply bonuses when you register today.
We could realistically charge up to $499 for a pre-workshop training program like this, but you can join WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE when you register for the Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop right now.
Special Bonus # 2:
The Photographer’s Glossary
As in any industry, there’s a certain amount of jargon associated with photography. (Not as much as there would be in, say, a tech field—but there are still terms you probably won’t be familiar with.)
So to get you up-and-running fast, we created this useful glossary of terms you should know.
This way, if an editor asks you for something and you’re not quite sure what she means—you can look it up!
If you see something referenced on a stock photography site and you’re not sure what it is—you can look it up.
This Photographer’s Glossary is yours—FREE—when you participate in our Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop.
But that’s not all…
Special Bonus # 3:
17 Places Where You Can Quickly and Easily Sell Your Photographs
Photo opportunities exist everywhere. On the roadside… at work… while talking with friends…in your backyard…and even during a simple walk in the park. And these photo opportunities could easily be making you money… But what you might not already know is that there are literally hundreds of markets where you can sell your photos.
Let me assure you: During this Workshop, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started selling your photos—fast.
But to give you that added boost you might need to make sure you’re doing everything right, we’ll also hand you a copy of 17 Places Where You Can Quickly and Easily Sell Your Photos. In it, we share the 17 biggest markets where you can get started selling, with a focus on those where we think you can get your foot in the door quickly—including some fun and interesting markets you may not have considered before.
This is your opportunity to take your best shot at turning those photos on your hard drive into dollars in your pocket.
And there’s another one, too…
Special Bonus # 4:
Simple Home Setup Instructions
In this ‘print-and-follow’ set of instructions, you’ll find a checklist of equipment you’ll need to set up your own home studio. It may sound intimidating, but you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to use things you probably have around the house already, to create a home studio for taking perfect pictures. The step-by-step instructions make it easy for anyone to follow, from beginners, to more advanced photographers.
Simple Home Setup Instructions includes tips on lighting, shot setup and composition and exposure. Designed to be printed easily, this will quickly become your go-to checklist for taking studio-style photos.
Special Bonus # 5:
The Business of Photography
Photography—if you are to make a success of it—is something you really do need to treat as a business. You need to know about marketing yourself efficiently so you’re earning more money for every photo you take… about the practical aspects of keeping track of what you’ve sold, what you’re owed, what taxes you need to pay, and so on.
In The Business of Photography, you’ll discover exactly what it takes to sell more photographs and take more checks to the bank. This step-by-step guide will lead you through the business aspects of freelance photography… from setting yourself up as a pro, to approaching editors, to saving your photos in the correct file format, to tax preparation… and much more—allowing you to get back to the fun part—taking photos.
Special Bonus # 6:
How to Earn Back Your Workshop Fee in 90 Days or Less
Your investment in this Workshop is easy to justify. After all, a modest one-time fee can open the door to a lifetime of money-making photography, to the thrill of seeing your images in glossy magazines and on websites, and the fun of exploring your home state, and—when we can all travel again, exotic destinations—in a way you never could as a regular-old tourist.
But we wanted to be sure you understood exactly how you could make the numbers work. Because if you follow the guidance our presenters will share, you could easily make back your registration fee within three months.
To prove it to you, we created this guide—How to Earn Back Your Workshop Fee in 90 Days or Less—to show you precisely how you could do it. Even if you’re a complete beginner…
This Special Bonus—along with all the others—is yours, FREE, when you register today.
And that’s not all. Our photography experts are working on even more bonus reports and videos. These will be sent to you ahead of the workshop in May—at no additional charge. They’ll include…
- A special video on drone photography
- What’s in My Camera Bag? Our photography experts will share details of what they carry with them when going on a shoot, trip, or even just leaving the house!
Altogether, this bonus package is valued at more than $500—but it’s all yours, FREE—when you register to attend this first-ever Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop today.
To ensure premium bandwidth—and because we’re committed to providing individualized feedback from our speakers on every participant’s work—we are, by necessity, limiting the number of people who can participate in this Workshop in May.
So space is at a premium. Please don’t wait to sign on or you risk missing out altogether.
This is the ONLY program like this we’re hosting this year.
Register now.
This Point, Shoot and Profit: Photographer’s Workshop is our biggest, our best, and our ONLY photography event of the year.
Over two power-packed days—May 15-16—you’ll have a chance to tune in from home and immediately apply what you’re learning.
In my view, it’s not really useful to just sit back and scribble notes on a pad of paper. Yet that’s what you typically do in seminars.
What IS useful, on the other hand, is to roll up your sleeves, lean forward, and really put what the speakers are showing you into practice. And that’s what we’ll have you do.
We’ll provide you step-by-step instruction on exactly what you need to do to create a saleable photo. And then, of course, we’ll show you what to do after that, how—and where—to sell the photo you create on the heels of this event—and the many more you’ll be prepared to sell in the weeks, months and years to follow.
We stand by the quality of this program.
Guarantee # 1—We guarantee that this Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photography Workshop will give you all the expert tools and secrets you need to get paid as a photographer. We’re focused on success in the real world, and we’ll walk you through what you need to do, step-by-simple-step.
Guarantee # 2—We guarantee we’ll deliver the how-to intelligence you need to start taking saleable photographs, sell them to magazines, newspapers, websites, and as fine art, and cash in on all the great perks of the photographer’s life. No prior experience necessary.
Guarantee # 3—We guarantee we’ll treat you fairly should you register and then find you need to cancel. Though this Workshop is non-refundable once the program has begun, if you decide—between now and May 10, 2021—that you don’t want to attend after all, you can simply let us know, and we’ll issue you a full refund. If you opt to cancel on or after May 10, 2021, this Workshop is non-refundable at that point, but you may apply your payment toward another Online Workshop within one year.
What Your Registration Today Includes
When you register for this program today, you’ll benefit from…
- Two days of expert online instruction in how to start earning with photography successfully and fast, hosted May 15-16, 2021. (We’ll begin at 11:00 am Eastern Time both days and run for roughly 7 hours, with breaks.)
- Live Question-and-Answer sessions with the experts hosted in real time during the weekend event.
- Access to the archived event footage at the end of each day, so you can log on and review any presentation you missed—that way you don’t have to worry if you can’t be available for every single session each day.
- Access to the full event recordings (and all the related “handouts” and materials) once the Workshop comes to a close. You maintain this access forever.
- An expert review of your photo (you’ll get your “assignment” during the Workshop). Once the program ends, you’ll send in your photo to us and one of our photography professionals will review it and reply with some helpful, personalized feedback designed to help you kickstart your portfolio.
- Special Bonus # 1: Camera Confident At-Home Training Program— Light, composition, camera settings, simple but effective tricks… we’ll cover them all in your “Camera Confident” at-home training program.
- Special Bonus # 2: The Photographer’s Glossary—including the terms you need to know to sound like a pro.
- Special Bonus # 3: 17 Places Where You Can Quickly and Easily Sell Your Photographs— with a focus on the markets where we believe you can get your foot in the door quickly. You might be surprised to hear about some of the fun and interesting markets you may not have considered before.
- Special Bonus # 4: Simple Home Setup Instructions—a print-and-follow checklist and step-by-step instructions for setting up your own home studio.
- Special Bonus # 5: The Business of Photography—everything you need to know to make the most bang for your buck, including the business aspects of freelance photography, setting yourself up as a pro, tax preparation… and much more
- Special Bonus # 6: How to Earn Back Your Workshop Fee in 90 Days or Less—this practical-minded, good-value Workshop aims to show you how to start out as a money-making photographer and find success—fast. This guide maps out what you need to do in step-by-step fashion.
- Even More Brand-New Bonus Reports and Videos—our presenters are busy creating even more special bonus materials for you. We’ll send them to you as they are created, ahead of the Workshop in May.
Altogether, this program plus all the bonuses are valued at more than $1,300. But when you register today here below, you can do so for just
And all of those benefits are included when you sign on to attend.
YES! REGISTER ME NOW FOR THE POINT, SHOOT AND PROFIT: PHOTOGRAPHER’S WORKSHOP 2021The modest one-time fee we’re charging for this program can open the door to a lifetime of fun, adventure and freedom—where you call the shots… As a money-making photographer, you can wake up every morning loving what you do.
This is an excellent opportunity to jump start your success as a photographer.
Whether you’re interested in adding photos to your travel articles… or you’re looking for a way to turn a “hobby” into an income-producing pastime…join me and my hand-picked group of expert colleagues this May 15-16 in the comfort of your own home for our first-ever Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop.
Prefer to Register by Phone? Call Kacyn Today
If you have questions—or if you’d just prefer to register by speaking with a real person on the phone—please call Kacyn, our Great Escape Publishing Event Liaison (based in Florida) and she’ll take care of you and get your name on the attendee list. Remember, space is limited, so don’t wait.
To Register by Phone, Call Kacyn, our Great Escape Publishing Event Liaison in Florida at 561-266-6570 or toll-free at 866-904-1074.
Space is limited for this program, however, and this is the only photography event like this we’ll be hosting with our extraordinary group of experts all in one place at one time in 2021.
So I strongly urge you to reserve your place now, while you can be guaranteed a seat and take advantage of the best registration price you’ll see.
Declan Aylward
Editorial Director, Great Escape Publishing
February 2021
YES! REGISTER ME NOW FOR THE POINT, SHOOT AND PROFIT: PHOTOGRAPHER’S WORKSHOP 2021P.S. If you enjoy photography and if you’re ready to discover the best ways to get all the skills you need to get started selling photos fast, you won’t find a more efficient way to make it happen.
Don’t wait until later to turn your dreams into your reality. Spend two days with us online this May, and discover the tricks the pros use to take photos that sell…how to set up a passive income from images…and earn while doing something you love.
No more waiting around for the perfect time. No more wondering where to begin…
Make THIS the year you start getting paid to have fun…
YES! REGISTER ME NOW FOR THE POINT, SHOOT AND PROFIT: PHOTOGRAPHER’S WORKSHOP 2021P.P.S. One more useful benefit I didn’t mention before: As an attendee, you’ll gain access to a private Facebook Group for GEP event attendees only. This is a place where you can network with other readers and with the experts who will weigh in to answer questions and share tips and insights.
It’s helpful to connect with other folks who are on the same journey you are—and I think you’ll find it encouraging and a way to “stay on task” as it were when you’re able to watch what your fellow attendees are up to and hear about their successes.
When you sign on to attend this Point, Shoot and Profit: Online Photographer’s Workshop you’ll gain membership in this private group—it’s just another perk that we’re including.
Register now here below…
again and again…
“Each workshop is unique. Even speakers that have been at past workshops come with a new twist, or new way of looking at photography. The second time around, I actually knew what they were talking about, and I was more able to absorb all the information we were given so I could improve my skills.”
– Elizabeth Coughlan
“The level of knowledge is off the charts, yet the instructors are so willing to take their valuable time to get as basic as the attendees need. Truly an exceptional investment in my future.”
–Shea M.
“If you’re on the fence about attending, hop off and do it! You will learn far more here than you would elsewhere.”
– Reba M.
“The amount of care they take to help you learn and develop as a photographer is second to none. You cannot come away without at least a dozen ways to move to professional status.”
– Jeffrey J.
“Attend! Attend! Attend! Well worth time and money, and valuable learning experience.”
– Gloria S.