Welcome to the Breakfast Stock Club


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Thank you for signing up for The Breakfast Stock Club free newsletter.

Should you decide stock photography isn’t right for you and you want to unsubscribe from the Breakfast Stock Club, you can do so at any time with the unsubscribe links at the bottom of every issue.

Quick warning, though — If you unsubscribe, you’ll miss out on a lot of fun and some serious motivation.

Our first goal is to help YOU make $20 in stock photo sales every week — enough to pay for a nice breakfast out. Hence the name — The Breakfast Stock Club.

In fact, this was iStock superstar, Lise Gagne’s first goal when she got started in stock just 8 years ago. Lise is now iStock’s top seller with over ONE MILLION image sales. And it all started with a $20 goal and a point-and-shoot camera she bought from a pawn shop. I’ll send you an interview with Lise tomorrow.

Then, throughout the next few months, as we take and sell stock photos together, I’ll send you advice and “secrets” from other professional stock photographers, too.

You’ll get a new stock tidbit each week in your issue of the Breakfast Stock Club. We’ll cover topics like the best agencies for beginners, and the tools, techniques, and post-processing tips you need to get your photos online and up for sale fast.

Plus, you’ll learn how to take saleable photos without a lot of equipment or set-up, ways to make your photos appear in more search engine results (putting them in front of more buyers), tricks to make your photos more professional and polished, and more.

If you’re on Facebook, you can join your fellow members there as well. Search for: Breakfast StockClub to find us. (That’s StockClub as one word.)

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s “first” issue. And get excited for your new weekly dose of stock photo motivation.

Oh and I should say… if you’re interested in really bumping up your stock photography success and receiving even more inspiration and tips each week, you can learn about the Premium version of the Breakfast Stock Club here.

Breakfast Stock Club Premium membership is a paid version of your current subscription and includes much more in-depth interviews and articles from our experts, monthly photo reviews, special video programs and reports, and more.

It will help you get your photos accepted into agencies and earning you cash faster and easier than you ever thought possible. And you’re eligible for a huge 25% discount on it as a new member now.

But it’s only available for the next ten days. Get all the details here … More coming tomorrow!

Take care,

— Bonnie

Bonnie Caton
Great Escape Publishing
Creator, Breakfast Stock Club

P.S. When you start making sales with your stock photos, I want to hear about it!

This is, after all, your club. We’re here to support each other, share tips, help each other along, and especially to motivate. Because, really, once you get started, you’re already past the hardest part. Write and let me know of your success at bsc@greatescapepublishing.com.

Or, “Like” the Breakfast Stock Club Facebook page and share your progress with our community.

One more thing… If you accept my invitation to Breakfast Stock Club Premium Membership this week, in addition to the 25% discount, I’ll throw in a special new report: Hot Stock Photo Trends as a FREE bonus.

But you must sign-up in the next few days. After that, this deal goes away.

Get all the details here.